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Tow Truck Driver Arrested after Hitting Scooter-Riding Child


Although tow trucks assist with crashes, sometimes they also cause crashes in Brooklyn. Such was the case in late October of 2023, when an NYPD tow truck struck and killed a child riding a scooter. This incident highlights inherent dangers associated with tow trucks and increasing dangers for pedestrians, cyclists, and scooter operators in New York.

Tow Truck Driver Failed to Yield Before Hitting 7-Year-Old 

On October 27th, CBS News reported that a NYPD tow truck driver had been charged with failing to yield to a pedestrian. Her arrest came after she allegedly struck and killed a seven-year-old child riding a scooter to school. The boy’s mother was understandably horrified, and she stressed to the media that he had the right of way. Apparently, the child was moving across the street while using a crosswalk – which means that other vehicles should have yielded.

There are varying reports as to whether the NYPD tow truck driver pulled over after the accident, or whether she continued driving for a short distance. Witnesses give wildly different accounts – various people allege that she was either on her cellphone, speeding, moving through a red light – or a combination of all three. The victim is the 25th child to lose their life due to traffic accidents during Mayor Adams’ administration. Critics have argued that this latest incident highlights the mayor’s lack of action when it comes to traffic safety.

A total of nine children under the age of 18 due to traffic violence since the beginning of 2023 in New York. Concerned locals are now calling for traffic guards at the busy intersection that claimed the child’s life.

 Why Are Tow Trucks So Dangerous? 

Tow trucks may be dangerous for a number of reasons:

  • Instability: Tow trucks are not the most stable vehicles – especially when they carry vehicles. While tow truck technology is relatively advanced, there is something inherently unstable about a vehicle towing another vehicle. In addition, there is always the possibility of the towed vehicle falling off the back and causing an accident.
  • Rushing: Tow truck drivers typically face tight schedules and high degrees of pressure. This might cause them to rush to the next job – perhaps cutting corners, speeding, and committing other forms of negligence along the way.
  • Blind Spots: Finally, a tow truck may have certain blind spots that a normal passenger vehicle lacks. This may be especially true when the tow truck is carrying another vehicle. In addition, it may be difficult to see small children over the hood of the truck.

Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Brooklyn? 

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced New York personal injury lawyer, look no further than Cohan Law, PLLC. Over the years, we have helped numerous victims across New York – including family members of deceased pedestrians. If your loved one has been struck and killed by a negligent driver, you have every right to assess your legal options and pursue justice. Book your consultation today to determine the most appropriate course of action.




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