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NYC Personal Injury Lawyers / New York City Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer

New York City Nursing Home Negligence Lawyers

A quick look at the 300 nursing homes within 25 miles of New York City listed on the Medicare website reveals 78 facilities with a five-star rating, 41 with a one-star rating, and the rest somewhere in between, based on health inspections, staffing, and quality measures of nursing home performance. Understaffing, overcrowding, lack of training and supervision, and a focus on profits and the financial bottom line can all impact nursing home quality negatively. And with the notoriously high turnover rate in staffing and administration at many facilities, today’s five-star nursing home could be tomorrow’s one-star institution.

Nursing homes exist to care for the elderly and infirm who cannot care for themselves. Nursing home residents are therefore vulnerable to neglect and abuse, and they often lack the physical or mental ability to defend themselves or speak out about mistreatment. Neglect and abuse in a nursing home should never be allowed to happen, but sadly it’s far too common. At Cohan Law Firm, we don’t accept excuses or justifications when a nursing home resident is mistreated. Instead, we fight hard to hold the nursing home accountable for the failures that allowed such inexcusable conduct to occur. If you or a loved one were subjected to nursing home abuse or neglect in Brooklyn, The Bronx, or throughout NYC, call our experienced New York City nursing home negligence lawyers for a free consultation and immediate assistance in getting justice and compensation for the damage done.

Help With All Forms of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect in New York

Our nursing home negligence attorneys at Cohan Law Firm represent victims of all forms of abuse and neglect in New York nursing homes, including:

  • Bedsores
  • Medication Errors
  • Improper Use of Restraints
  • Cleanliness & Hygiene
  • Failure to Seek Medical Evaluation
  • Antipsychotic Drug Misuse

If you have a family member in a nursing home and suspect they are being abused or neglected, call our office right away for advice. We’ll explain your options to uncover neglect or abuse and pursue any claims as necessary to put an immediate stop to the mistreatment and begin the process of healing and recovery. Some of the signs and symptoms of potential abuse or neglect you might want to look out for include:

  • Unexplained weight loss, which could be from dehydration or malnutrition
  • Bruises at the wrists or ankles, showing signs the patient might have been unlawfully restrained
  • Bruising on both arms, showing the patient was grabbed or squeezed
  • Any unexplained cuts, bruises or broken bones, which could be signs of abuse
  • A confused or disoriented state, which could be due to dehydration or malnutrition
  • Mood or personality changes such as fear, anxiety or depression, which could be signs of abuse
  • Bedsores, showing the patient is not receiving regular attention and proper care

Signs and Symptoms of Neglect

As we age, our health eventually declines. This is a simple and widely known fact. As such, it can be difficult determining if the decline in your loved one’s health is due to aging, a long-ago diagnosed condition, or nursing home neglect. However, there are certain signs and symptoms of neglect that you and your family members should be on the lookout for. If you notice enough of these signs and symptoms, particularly if they are prolonged, it may be time to seek out the aid of a competent and experienced New York nursing home negligence and abuse attorney. Here at Cohan Law Firm , we specialize in helping nursing home residents and their families seek justice through the civil courts, and we can help procure substantial compensation for the harm that has been caused by the negligent nursing home.

Examples of Neglect

Nursing home neglect occurs when a patient does not receive the proper standard of care for their specific condition. Abuse falls into the category of nursing home mistreatment, and involves any form of punishment, harassment, or physical harm. Examples of nursing home neglect/abuse include:

  • Inadequate food, water, or hygiene
  • Pushing, slapping, pinching, or sexual assault
  • Unnecessary use of restraint, antipsychotics, or sedatives
  • Unnecessary isolation from others
  • Inadequate medical care or monitoring
  • Improper diagnosis or follow up tests and treatment

Signs of Physical Neglect or Abuse

Just like forms of neglect and abuse, there are dozens upon dozens of signs of neglect and abuse. A few of the most common signs that your loved one may be suffering at the hands of a neglectful or abusive nursing home include the following:

  • Bedsores
  • Dehydration
  • Malnourishment
  • Rapid and unexplained weight loss
  • Rapid and unexplained weight gain
  • Asphyxiation
  • Changes in mood or emotional state, including fear, anxiety, depression, and anger/agitation
  • Suddenly withdrawn or non-communicative
  • Changes in behavior, such as rocking back and forth, hugging oneself, or shivering,
  • Physical injuries, such as falls, concussion, bruising, strains and sprains, broken bones, and lacerations
  • Prolonged illness
  • Infections
  • Unclean bedding or clothing
  • Unsanitary room conditions
  • Instances of wandering out of their room or off the premises
  • Fear of certain staff members
  • Not wanting to speak in front of certain staff members
  • Serious injuries that require hospitalization
  • A fall that resulted in a fractured hip
  • Unusual or overly long list of medications on their assigned prescriptions
  • Nursing home has a history of poor communication with you, the family member of the patient
  • Unexpected death of your loved one

Your Rights as a Nursing Home Resident in New York

The New York State Department of Health has a 37-page booklet describing the rights of nursing home residents and the responsibilities nursing homes owe to their residents. This booklet explains your rights to adequate and appropriate medical care, clinical care, and treatment, and it outlines specific things nursing homes can and cannot do. For instance, chemical or physical restraints can only be used if necessary for medical reasons and ordered by a doctor, and only with the patient’s consent, except in emergencies. Too often, nursing home staff restrain patients for the staff’s own convenience or as a form of punishment, either of which is unlawful and inexcusable and a violation of your rights.

Nursing homes are responsible to provide you with safe, clean and comfortable rooms and surroundings and protect you from any kind of harsh and abusive treatment. You have the right to meet with people of your choosing and communicate with them in a private setting, and you have the right to contact family, friends or an attorney without fear of reprisal. If you have concerns about the way you are being treated and are intimidated about speaking directly with nursing home staff or administration, call a trusted family member or reach out to the Cohan Law Firm to protect your rights.

Contact the Cohan Law Firm Today

Like all victims of abuse, nursing home residents are reluctant to speak up out of embarrassment, shame, and fear or retaliation. Additionally, if your loved one has dementia or cognitive decline, they may not be able to speak up or realize they are being neglected or abused. It is up to you to contact an attorney.

If you suspect that you or a loved one are being subjected to abuse or neglect in a nursing home in Brooklyn, The Bronx, or throughout NYC, call the Cohan Law Firm right away for a free consultation and immediate assistance from one of our skilled and experienced New York City nursing home negligence lawyers. We’ll fight to make sure you are properly taken care of and treated right. Call Cohan Law Firm today at 855-855-0321 to schedule a free consultation and to ensure that your loved one receives the quality care they need and deserve.

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