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NYC Personal Injury Lawyers / New York City Speeding Accident Lawyer

New York City Speeding Accident Lawyer

It is safe to say that just about all drivers break the law every time they get behind the wheel. Speeding is an unfortunate side effect of driving, and of our transportation system. But there is a difference between going five miles per hour over the posted speed limit, and 15 miles per hour over the limit. Or 20. Speeding is a contributing factor in a significant portion of traffic collisions, and speeders must be held accountable for their actions when their impatience or aggression causes injury to others. If you were injured in a speeding collision, the New York City speeding accident lawyers at Cohan Law Firm can help you seek compensation from the negligent driver who caused the crash.

The Stats on Speeding

Speeding is a major problem in America. While surveys have found that the majority of Americans believe that speeding is a major issue that needs to be tackled, the majority of American drivers speed themselves. Cars have become more powerful over the years, enabling speeding, while manufacturers market their products in a way that also encourages speeding. Meanwhile, states have been raising speed limits all across the country, including here in New York. Yet, simply adding airbags, auto braking, and other safety technology can keep up. According to the National Safety Council, speeding is a contributing factor in 29 percent of all traffic fatalities. That percentage has been creeping up over the years, and with aggressive driving becoming the new trend, it is likely to continue increasing.

The Problem With Speeding Drivers

Speeding is obviously dangerous. Everyone knows this. But most people can all use a refresher as to why. Speeding:

  • Reduces the reaction time to respond to other road users
  • Reduces the control a driver has over their vehicle
  • Reduces the tires’ traction when navigating turns
  • Increases the damaging force when a crash does occur
  • Reduces the effectiveness of road safety structures like impact attenuators, guardrails, crash cushions, concrete barriers, cable barriers, and median dividers
  • Encourages or intimidates other drivers to also speed

Damages in a New York Speeding Claim

As the victim of a speeding crash, you are entitled to compensation for your damages, which include the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Future medical expenses
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of joy of life
  • Lost income
  • Lost earning ability due to disability
  • Property damage

Call a New York City Speeding Accident Attorney Today for Legal Assistance

Whether the driver who caused your crash was going 10 miles over the speed limit or 30, a lawyer can help you prove fault and liability. Even though they were speeding, the negligent driver may still attempt to palace blame on your or another party. You can never assume that the police will get things right during their investigation, or that the other party’s insurance company will roll over and admit liability. You need an experienced attorney on your side. Call the NYC speeding accident attorneys at Cohan Law Firm today at 855-855-0321 for a complimentary consultation.

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