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NYC Personal Injury Lawyers / New York City Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

New York City Catastrophic Injury Lawyers

Catastrophic injuries are a special category of injuries that are costlier than other injuries, involve more complex legal and factual issues, and are harder fought by the insurance companies hoping to avoid liability for a significant payout. Catastrophic injury cases require additional time, effort and dedication from skilled and knowledgeable attorneys to hold negligent actors accountable and obtain the full amount of compensation due. At Cohan Law Firm, our team has achieved dozens of six and seven-figure settlements on behalf of injury victims who suffered broken bones, back injuries, head injuries and more. We’ve helped car accident victims injured when another driver blew through a stop sign or T-boned them or when they were hit by a drunk driver. We’ve helped pedestrians hit by speeding cars, people hit by falling objects, slip-and-fall accident victims, construction workers, and victims of nursing home neglect and abuse. If you or your loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury in Brooklyn, The Bronx or throughout NYC, our personal injury law firm is dedicated to seeing you get the care and compensation you need and deserve. Reach out to our experienced New York City catastrophic injury lawyers today for a free consultation on your claim.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury is not a legal term or a phrase that has a specific definition. Rather, it is used to describe especially harmful and costly injuries that have a particularly large impact on the victim’s life. A catastrophic injury often involves very long-term if not permanent disability. Catastrophic injuries affect the way a person’s body functions, including movement and mobility, their physical appearance, or their cognitive abilities. Catastrophic injuries often alter a person’s way of life and employability and negatively affect their quality of life to a significant degree.

Examples of injuries that are generally considered to be catastrophic include:

  • Head and Brain Injuries
  • Neck and Back Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Fractures
  • Burns
  • Amputation Injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Scarring & Disfigurement
  • Wrongful Death

Proving Liability and Damages in a Catastrophic Injury Claim

Like most personal injury claims, winning a catastrophic injury case requires proving both liability and damages. Since catastrophic injuries can happen in the same ways other less severe injuries can, the issue of liability is not much different: one still needs to prove that another party owed a duty of care to the victim, breached that duty through negligence by doing something improper or failing to act appropriately, and that the party’s negligence was the cause of the injury. However, because the damages are much more significant, the negligent parties and their insurance companies are much more likely to deny or dispute liability in cases involving catastrophic injury. The burden falls on the injury victim to prove their case, which requires conducting a thorough investigation, gathering all pertinent evidence, knowing the applicable law, and making a strong argument that proves the other party is responsible. Building and presenting a strong case is essential whether you are going to trial or settling out of court.

On the issue of damages (compensation for the harm), experts often have to be consulted to paint a picture of the lifetime of additional costs and challenges a person who suffered a catastrophic injury will likely have to endure. Necessary experts might include doctors and other medical professionals as well as economists and life care planners. A life care plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the current and future needs, along with associated costs, for individuals who have experienced a catastrophic injury or who have chronic health care needs. Life care planners are certified specialists trained to create these plans which often prove valuable in settlement negotiations in cases involving catastrophic injury.

Injured? Contact the Cohan Law Firm Today

At the Cohan Law Firm, we want you to recover to the fullest extent and live your best life possible after suffering a catastrophic injury because of another’s negligence or intentional misconduct. We know that a full physical recovery might not be possible, but the right financial resources can help improve your well-being and quality of life while also holding the responsible party accountable to the fullest extent, so you can feel at least that some justice has been done in your case. Call our experienced NYC catastrophic injury lawyers for help after a serious car accident, construction accident or other severe injury in Brooklyn, The Bronx, or anywhere in New York City.

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