Category Archives: Bicycle Accident

SUV Driver Faces Manslaughter Charges After Fatal Bicycle Accident in Brooklyn
Cyclists face serious risks in Brooklyn, and each year we hear new stories about tragic bicycle accidents. Although the City claims to protect cyclists with various safety measures, these fatal crashes continue to occur at a worrying pace. The latest incident has claimed the life of a cyclist in his 40s, and it seems… Read More »

Fleeing Minivan Driver Strikes and Kills Cyclist in Manhattan
While there are many negligent drivers in Manhattan, few are more dangerous than fleeing criminals. Faced with the possibility of arrest, these drivers completely disregard the rules of the road and often show no concern for public safety. This type of hazard ultimately led to a death in Manhattan when a cyclist was struck… Read More »

Cyclist in “Critical Condition” After Questionable Police Chase in Queens
A cyclist has suffered critical injuries in Queens, having been struck by vehicles involved in a police pursuit. Many witnesses say that this pursuit never should have happened – and that it needlessly endangered the lives of innocent bystanders. The presence of such a serious injury seems to validate this argument. What can you… Read More »

E-Bike Rider Dies After Being Struck by Beer Truck in Manhattan
E-bikes are making headlines on an almost weekly basis in Manhattan – and for all the wrong reasons. Fire officials have warned the public of the explosive, flammable nature of e-bike batteries – linking dozens of fires in New York to these dangerous components. While these fires are certainly alarming, e-bike crashes are perhaps… Read More »

Broken Bones and Fractures from Bicycle and Scooter Accidents
Bicycles and scooters are convenient and eco-friendly modes of transportation, but they come with their own set of risks. Broken bones and fractures are common injuries resulting from bicycle and scooter accidents. These injuries can range from minor fractures to severe breaks that require surgery and extensive rehabilitation. Recovery can be a long and… Read More »

“Dooring” Incident in Brooklyn Kills Cyclist
“Dooring” is a phenomenon that cyclists in Brooklyn know only too well – and it leads to some of the most shocking and dangerous bicycle accidents in New York. A recent dooring incident in Brooklyn has claimed the life of a cyclist, and reporters say that the accident occurred in an area that has… Read More »