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NYC Personal Injury Lawyers / Blog / Personal Injury / Parking Lot Stunts Lead to Teen’s Death in the Bronx

Parking Lot Stunts Lead to Teen’s Death in the Bronx


For decades, American motorists have enjoyed performing various stunts in parking lots across the country – and these acts have led to numerous deaths. The Bronx is no exception, and it is not uncommon to see vehicles spinning around in circles in empty lots at the dead of night. These “donuts” may not be as innocent as they seem, however. A recent car accident in the Bronx proved this with shocking clarity, and it led to the death of a teenage girl.

Community Mourns the Death of 15-Year-Old After Parking Lot Stunt Gone Wrong 

On January 21st of 2024, it was reported that a teen girl had lost her life after a vehicle crashed into a truck in the Bronx. She was a passenger in a car doing donuts in a parking lot, and the driver lost control at some point. While the driver was doing donuts, he slammed into a parked fuel truck at a speed of about 100 miles per hour.

Images from the incident show a completely crushed white Chrysler. The passenger side of the vehicle clearly suffered the worst damage. Inside the vehicle, three people were seriously injured – including a 17-year-old, a 21-year-old, and a 15-year-old girl. While the 17-year-old survived with critical injuries, the 15-year-old and the 21-year-old died of their wounds.

Police say that they’re not sure whether to charge the driver with any criminal offenses related to the accident. It is worth noting, however, that performing donuts in a parking lot is a textbook example of reckless driving. It goes without saying that this is not what parking lots were built for.

In addition to criminal consequences, the driver could face civil action from the families of the affected victims. Passengers are fully within their rights to sue drivers for injuries sustained due to negligent, reckless actions. If passengers lose their lives in these incidents, their families can file wrongful death lawsuits.

This issue is affecting not only New York, but states across the nation. Young people today are engaging in these stunts at a worrying pace, and it is leading to numerous fatal incidents.

Key Takeaways 

  • Donuts represent a form of reckless driving according to New York law
  • Drivers can be held liable for injuries sustained by their passengers
  • A wrongful death claim can provide families with compensation
  • Five people were recently crashed to death after a parking lot stunt in Colorado

Find a Qualified Auto Accident Attorney in the Bronx 

If you have been searching for a qualified, experienced New York personal injury attorney, look no further than Cohan Law, PLLC. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured plaintiffs and their families. If you have lost a loved one due to a negligent driver performing stunts in a parking lot, you may have the opportunity to file an injury claim and recover compensation. To discuss your options in more detail, feel free to book a consultation.




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