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Doctor Somehow Continues to Practice Medicine after Causing Injuries in New York


Medical standards in New York are extremely high, and doctors will lose the right to practice medicine if they cause injuries or harm of any kind. However, it is theoretically possible for a healthcare provider to continue treating patients in other states even after losing their medical license in another state. Such was the case with one particular doctor in New York, and this story is causing people to once again raise questions about the medical system in the United States.

Nork York State Supreme Court Finds that Doctor Acted Negligently 

On October 9th, the Gothamist ran a story about a doctor who had somehow managed to continue practicing medicine despite having his medical license taken away about 30 years prior. The doctor in question had carried out a cesarean that sliced a baby across the lower back, and the New York State Supreme Court found that he had failed to use the right surgical tools based on the baby’s position.

Somehow, this doctor was still practicing despite being stripped of his medical license in 1991, with regulators concluding that he represented an imminent danger to his patients. There was even evidence that he had acquired his license fraudulently. For whatever reason, his license was then restored in 2014. Note that it is incredibly rare for a doctor to have their license given back in this manner. Even stranger was the fact that the doctor had gone on to practice medicine in New Mexico and Oklahoma immediately after losing his license in New York.

So how is this even possible? How could a doctor lose their license in one state and then simply relocate to a different state to continue practicing medicine? Didn’t his employers see these instances of fraud and negligence when conducting their background checks? It’s not like these records are hidden away from view. Indeed, journalists were able to track down almost two dozen lawsuits against this specific doctor over the years. Some of these lawsuits were filed due to injuries suffered by patients – others were filed due to deaths. It is worth mentioning that the average number of medical malpractice claims faced by doctors in the United States is between one and three per lifetime. Patients have a right to know why and how a doctor’s license is restored – especially after a career of serious negligence.

Can I File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in New York? 

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced New York personal injury attorney, look no further than Cohan Law, PLLC. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured plaintiffs – and we know that negligent doctors are fully capable of causing serious harm to innocent patients. In many cases, the healthcare providers who hire these negligent doctors can also be responsible if they fail to carry out proper hiring practices and background checks. Book your consultation today to get started with an effective action plan.



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